I have not spent really any amount of time selling pelts or robbing trains, stagecoaches, homesteads, selling stolen wagons or horses, all activities the game is constantly telling me to do.
This cash has arrived simply from doing main story quests and side quests alone. What’s even stranger is I have amassed this much money without all that much effort. There are a limited number of horse slots you can even have, and after spending about 15 hours to take my last horse to max bonding level, I don’t really feel like starting all over on an uglier but more powerful by one bar horse every time one appears in the store. Red Dead is not like most games where buying all the latest weapons is all that important, as you can hit headshots with your starter pistol for one hit kills and beat pretty much every mission there is. Making Arthur a “good guy” in the story has cut prices in half for most store items, which has saved me a ton of money. Quite simply, I’m not really clear on what I’m supposed to spend money on.